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06/28/06 10:53 AM

#3999 RE: david02835 #3989

I don't know, david.

I wonder the same things.

I'm not saying the EM-100 is real.

I'm just trying to investigate this with an open and unbiased mind.

A cop wouldn't approach a suspect, ask the suspect if they did the crime, then get off of that lead when the suspect responded with a "no". Of course, he is going to say "no".

Energomash says "no" too easily.

I will not be convinced until the "no" is backed with an explanation. Of course Emash will answer "no" if they are dedicated to keeping silent on the JV. And they follow that up with no other discussion. It's always just a "no" from them.

I think that there is a bit of confusion perhaps due to the translation from English to Russian. So I, like the cop and his suspect, refuse to accept the "No" for now.

As for KSWJ and the way they are approaching getting this invention to market.....I couldn't say. Perhaps they are bogus.

But perhaps, too, they felt that initially that they would be taken advantage of when they first started out. Perhaps they felt that they had no leverage in, or no knowledge of, the art of negotiation, and that sent them to find a partner more suited for such matters......Who the heck knows.

I know that most of us would have little idea about such matters if we had an invention to market. We may fear that we'd get deceptive information that would lead us down a path of negotiation that could cost us millions. And then there's the fear that the technology might fall into the hands of another party while we were demonstrating it to potential buyers......So we may feel the need to embrace ourselves with a party who has been thru such ordeals. Who knows.......

Look....KSWJ doesn't need an office. There's no "business" to conduct there. Everything they would do now would be conducted out on the road.

Energomash holds the key. Get the proper info from them, and you've hit paydirt.

As of now, I do not consider a lone word of "no" to be a complete and proper response to our inquiries.

Like someone posted earlier as a response that they had gotten from Emash, I think that they are trying to tell us "No Comment" when we quiz them.

If KSWJ is legit, then the stock will explode some day not too far off in the future.

And that's why I'm here.

I'm getting the right "pot odds" to play this puppy.

It certainly is worth a "call" to see all the cards left to come.