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10/22/15 12:18 PM

#17542 RE: blackshirej #17539

Great couple of posts blackshire. Really astute analysis.

That said, all that matters at this point for EVTI is acquisition of users...hence the deal with FFFC for access to up to 50 MILLION weed enthusiasts.

This is the same model that WhatsApp (sold to Facebook for $18 BILLION when they had zero revenue and 200-300M users), Twitter ($21 BILLION market cap with 200M users and lost $600M last quarter), Instagram (sold to Facebook for $1 BILLION when it had zero revenue and 30M valued at $35 BILLION), etc. employ.

People can make fun of the weed thing all they want, but it is access to the users in that "community" that create the value for EVTI.

My guess is you will see a "rinse & repeat" of similar partnerships with companies that operate in like-sized markets or larger.

I will hold on and continue to accumulate in a play for participating in a buyout years down the road valued at TENS of BILLIONs ;)