First computer I every messed around on was an Osborne.
Don't feel so old, first one I was 35 years old when I bought my first one. Had my first email address in 1990 - academic bitnet network connected to the mainframe from home or using a dumb terminal at the university.
It was after we had the Mac IIvx that a friend gave me a floppy and told me to take it home and double click on Mosaic. He said that when a "page" came up on the screen to click on a blue word.
Didn't own a modem until '86, a 300 baud one... prior to that I had to use an old-style phone handset into an acoustic coupler type modem (don't know what speed) to connect a tty or CRT terminal to campus mainframe.... or else go down to the computer center and sit at an IBM 29 keypunch machine and crank out stacks of punch cards and submit for batch processing.
When I got a 1200 modem I thought I was in heaven... used it mostly to connect to Compuserve in the mid 80s.