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10/21/15 12:57 PM

#24188 RE: jablome #24187

majority of people live paycheck to paycheck bc of choices they have made.

#1. buying a house.
unless you can put 30-40%+ down on a house, you should not buy.

#2. children
yes, in order for humans to remain on this planet, they must reproduce, however, having kids really early in life or just pumping out a tribe wont help your finances.

#3. when it comes to investing, people are dumb, they just are. they do not put the time into really looking around ad learning how money can make more money and WORK FOR YOU, not the other way around.

#4. we are not all born equal into this world, it is much harder for some than others, just a fact. I chose to live paycheck to paycheck for 4 years on purpose to what it was like, but I actually was saving money because I was living below my means all that time.

#5. human habit is not to save money. the economy will not function on consumers saving money, they consume and thus the wheels on the bus go round and round.

#6. even with gas prices falling, people are still having hard time spending or are just pocketing that extra money because the economy is not showing signs of strength with huge cut in gas prices nationwide. This is a tax cut benefit in a way but the real problem is the jobs that are being lost due to low oil prices. When oil is high, sure the consumer may have less, but 1000's out of work when oil is in the $30's, 40's and 50's per barrel has its ramifications.

#7. people like to waste money, everyday. $5 coffee, overpriced water, overprices "organic" foods. People are sheep and thus the 1% truly lead the flock., we all need it, but damn, that shit is expensive and is a real problem, I don't know what else to say on that.

#9. "every dollar you save is a one less dollar you have to borrow."

#10. we all die and live is about experiences. some just cost more than others, some are not worth it and some things people spend money on is just beyond me. So at the end of the day, if I am not in debt, good heath, have a roof over my head, food on my table, shoes on my feet, transportation, and clothes on my back, I guess things are okay, they could always be worse, and someday I will be dead and wont give a shit. hahhaa