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10/21/15 1:00 PM

#142588 RE: chipguy #142587

Touting them post after post, week after week, repeating the same
specious arguments over and over again may be therapeutic to you
but is tiresome to likely nearly everyone else here.

You remember the expression about what opinions are like and how
everyone has one? Maybe you can stand up straight for a while every
so often just to give us a break.

Well, the only opinion I have been reading from you so far on this board was the ever and ever defensive pro-Intel argument. That's what I find tiresome, but at least I am speaking for myself here ...

But hey, you're right, we should only talk about Intel and the weather here on this board, not about Samsung, Qualcomm, TSMC, ARM, AMD and the likes because they are irrelevant to Intel from an investment perspective.