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Aston Martin

10/16/15 5:30 PM

#12381 RE: jjr04001 #12380

To late to short even PLPL might go pink. IMO some people might hope that PLPL release something to keep the price at current level. This would be absolutely in the interest of the management. If .08 is a fall/winter bottom any good new could bring shortseller into big trouble. I believe we might go pink, but often pink status goes parallel with news release by mcircaps to keep the price level. If PLPL doesn't follow such strategy, the price might go .05. But even I am negative...I would not short now either. Much too late after such an enormous price drop. But as we know, shortseller are greedy as well and often make big mistakes and take too high risks downwards as gambler take too high risks by hodlgin too long. However, thanks to shortseller, will help frustrated shareholder one day ;-)