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10/14/15 2:59 PM

#46096 RE: Lighthouse #46094

I can see NHS suing PXYN for payment, it could go something like this...

NHS: Your Honor, PXYN owes us $120M and won't pay us.

Judge: When was this money due.

NHS: Well, our agreemernt never actually said when they had to pay us.

Judge: Why not? Did you forget to include something?

HNS: No, we had a payment schedule, but we decided to remove it.

Judge: Oh, you replaced it?

NHS: No, not exactly. We removed the payment schedule and didn't replace it with anything.

Judge: Why didn't you replace it?

NHS: Maybe that's a question better ask of PXYN.

Jugde: PXYN, why didn't you replace the payment schedule that was removed?

PXYN: On the advice of counsel we decline to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate us.