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10/14/15 2:07 PM

#37812 RE: alanthill #37809

Perhaps the insiders still find additive manufacturing a little scary...


10/14/15 2:32 PM

#37813 RE: alanthill #37809

Apparently, Mark Cola believes it...

Unidentified Analyst

I was just simply enquiring whether you sincerely felt that eventual – actual production run PrintRite3D contracts would be forthcoming from GE and Honeywell.

Mark Cola - President and Chief Executive Officer
Yes. We fully anticipate and expect that, and we are planning for those and we are well positioned at the moment.


10/14/15 4:32 PM

#37815 RE: alanthill #37809

Alan, you may recall that I have also voiced this concern before. The lack of legitimate insider buying - by that I mean reported insider buying by officers required to report their buys as well as "illegitimate" insider buying by family friends would be evidenced by increased volume is of some concern. Normally people do not leave easy money on the table, even when there is some concern regarding law enforcement. Given that Sigma has now entered the quiet period, I would consider insider buys more risky right now and do not expect to see them occur until after the November ER. Sigma is a very small organization and it may be easier to control the indirect insider activity. GE is much much larger, and their typical opaque style (e.g. try to find ANY announcement of GE selecting metal 3D printers) may indicate that there is less knowledge regarding upcoming contracts than one might normally assume.

All in all, I am somewhat uncomfortable at the lack of legitimate insider buying but I am not so uncomfortable as to change my overall position and expectations. Sigma has been a thinly traded stock and it may well be that those who tend to agree with my position that this is going to happen in the near future have already acquired as many shares as they are comfortable with and that those who are more skeptical and doubting are waiting for confirmation that Sigma will sell to GE etc. Even if there is an overnight doubling and a subsequent run as the increase in pps grabs the attention of investors who are not as yet aware of SGLB, the initial announcement of a contract will not result in the immediate realization of the full gain, it will merely start things rolling. There will be time for lots of folks to get onboard - including insiders and their circle of folks to get onboard without the risk of SEC headaches (or worse).

patience and GLTA


10/14/15 8:00 PM

#37818 RE: alanthill #37809

The $SGLB Dot connectors are basing opinions and facts on information published from legitimate sources and posting links to prove the logic. Others are posting opinions without legitimate links to sources to back that opinion. The progress in SGLB is undeniable.
1) Process accepted by Boeing in 2012 and Honeywell contract

2) JTDA with GE Aviation in 2013

3) Awarded DARPA Phase II contract with Honeywell in 2014

4) PrintRite 3D Inspect product commercialized in 2014

5) Technology Cooperation agreement with Materialise in 2014

6) Technology Cooperation agreement with Additive Industries in 2014

7) 500,000 dollar contract with GE in 2015

8) Sigma Labs announces Early Adopter Program and contract with Spartacus 3D

9) Sigma Labs announces Deform product commercialized

10) Sigma Labs to host AMC Fall meeting Oct 28-29 2015