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05/31/01 2:09 PM

#2431 RE: smart_sassy #2429

Mikkj/Sassy: Righteous, Moral, Hypocrites & Idiots:

I think that, in general, our generation has done a poor job of raising their children. Parents want to be friends with their kids, and not parents. We give our kids too much to the point that they expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. When we don't give them something, they rebel. Comments?

The Righteous, The Moral, The Hypocrites, The Idiots sounds like a Clint Eastwood movie.

Seriously though, your're right. Too little parenting. I was so young when I had my older kids, that people thought they were my younger siblings. Yet they turned out fine. I think that people lost their sense of duty towards their children. They wouldn't let their dogs run loose (ok some would) for fear they would hurt themselves but felt that putting restraints on their kids would obstruct their intellectual and emotional developement. Why? Because the "experts" told them so.
I'm not quite sure WHY the public feels such a need for someone to TELL them how to do a job that we have been doing since we crawled out of the ooze. Look at that moron on Oprah. I tuned in one day to see what my cousin was talking about. Hello?? Is there anyone home in America today? Oprah TELLS you what book to read, she has a Doctor tell you how to FIX your marriage. Martha tells you how to decorate your house and for the love of God how to wash beans and pick the bad ones out to make bean soup? Gimme a freaking break people.
Big Brother? We are galloping unchecked, towards Big Mama. Take me back to the womb, oh please tell me how to do ....anything just please don't let me have to make a decision for myself.
Even when half these people are at home for their kids there is no one in charge. They're too busy looking for someone to Tell them how to turn on their TV.


06/08/01 4:43 PM

#2454 RE: smart_sassy #2429

Smart sassy/ Righteous,moral, etc. I agree that most parents want to be friends and fear disciplining their children. I worked with a guy who even said that his first goal was to be his son's best friend. He admitted that discipline was not even a consideration.
I have seen several highly religious people's children develop. The ones I have known invariably rebel and they do so in a much more drastic manner usually. The only other kids that came close (and often surpassed) the reborn kids were the policemen's kids. I could see long before the troubles began that these children were very interested in all things that were taboo. It seems that the problem is that all normal adolescent activities are taboo to the born again crowd.
Kids often have a sense for bull$#!^. They know that there is often an underlying cause for their parents overly devout nature. They see their parents manipulate the system in questionable ways. They learn by example more than by words. Their rebellion is an attempt to resolve the conflict between what they see and what they have always been taught. Well, I have abused all of my time. I didn't mean to neglect your welcome back before but I have had a lot of inspiration and too little time after I am done in the studio.