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10/12/15 5:05 PM

#195905 RE: DewDiligence #195901

Re: PD-L1 expression test

Even if (and it is an if, as in CheckMate-017 Opdivo did better regardless of PD-L1 status, so I do think there are PD-L1 negatives who do respond to anti-PD therapy), PD-L1- (cutoff of 1%) patients didn’t have a stat-sig benefit with Opdivo vs docetaxel (and of course Keytruda is no option here), in terms of safety/tolerability, it is better than chemo. So why take another biopsy and not just prescribe Opdivo?
I do think PD-L1 status is more important for 1st line. So another question: which PD-L1 expression test to order? brings us back to your point that it will be difficult to know which drug has better outcomes.