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10/11/15 1:31 AM

#24026 RE: mikeg2 #24025

"... still holding. Can't explain why."

Its a normal human reaction, evolved and passed down to us from those many million of years past.

Like being startled with an abrupt, or in our case a month over month decline of BORK's near $6 high, our brain shuts down all non essential functions like movement and even breathing (holding breath) such that all brain activity can focus on the immediate threat.

My experience in Vietnam observed that most all deployed into a constant combat arena were "still holding" for that one year tour a mental awareness of "holding one's breath" until the year of service was completed.

Its one's "holding" on Bourque Industries since 2011 because the tour is not completed simply because Bourque Industries continues with us inside as BORK holders.

We all became trapped during the downward BORK slope thinking that "bad management" was the cause, that could be repaired to good management. Then finally BORK's pps rendered one's investment to a 95+ percentage lost that trapped us to hold thinking that "no reason to dump" so let it ride and we will watch to see how it plays out.

As for "needing 3 Hail Mary" to fully recover a 2011 investment, that's possible if the Bourque Industries "Kryron has wide reaching potential in redefining the materials used in core industrial applications throughout the globe." actually happens.


10/22/15 4:20 PM

#24051 RE: mikeg2 #24025

"I agree that the dilution has really sandbagged any possible rapid rise in price per share." -mikeg2

Mike, Since I'm not skilled much above zero in these business matters, I need help to understand further on how John Bourque Inc. (aka, John Bourque and his puppet Board of Directors) continue to stifle the ability of those Hurting in the Dark Shareholders holding what is now acknowledged to be a minuscule number of BORKs purchased in 2011 as the pps rose to near $6 to receive any valid upon a Sell knowing that John Bourque and his puppets have acquired for themselves thru the "empty shell" tactics to authorize and issue to themselves millions upon millions shares "for services" in lieu of cash repeatedly over the years of 2011 to this time in 2015 while never delivering performance and allowing the share price to remain sub penny, as in, each BORK valued at $0.003 for periods where seemingly no activity at Bourque Industries was conducted, but large salaries were awarded to John Bourque and his puppets.

The Hurting in the Dark Shareholders are indeed in the dark as to John Bourque's current salary, for what is it since his return from prison using the 09/29/2011 "provides for an initial salary of $360,000 per year" knowing his puppets as Board of Directors most surely have increased the "initial" over the years, of course payable in shares with a pps range during all these years as a failed company with the Market assignment of a $0.0013 pps, for example. Also not known (in the Dark) as to his Board of Directors puppets to assign a salary to John Bourque during the two years in prison as John Bourque was listed as Chief Science Officer of Bourque Industries, during his stay in prison, which seems to be an acknowledgement by John Bourque's Board of Directors puppets as valid since John Bourque while in prison was able to develop another Kryron related patent, meaning John Bourque had the resources to continue his work on Kryron while in prison.

So there Mike, besides the dilution in shares, what additional "has really sandbagged" impact on the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders to realized any future measurable value selling their BORK holdings with pps in the dollars, as does John Bourque's huge salary, past, current and future, also dampen the Market's view ?

Now Mike, unfortunately there seems to be another "has really sandbagged" item for us to consider. I'm sure the Market looks not so much at Sales, but the bottom line in revenue to decide Market value at Bourque Industries. So what can dampen revenue besides regular things like overhead and workers salaries ?

What is meant by the term royalty fee: You pay royalty fees to the franchise periodically. Your contract states how much you'll pay and when. Typically, these fees are tied to your sales of goods or services, for example a percentage of your sales. Payments may be due weekly, monthly or quarterly.

BORK — Interim Financial Report
Published: Sep 30, 2015
Period End: Aug 31, 2015
Page 14 of 19
On April 16, 2015 ... Mr. Bourque's royalties were also increased from 5% to 9% with a 1% royalty being assigned to Carol Condon, the Company's Interim CEO.

Gosh, I feel that there are more worms in this can of worms known as Bourque Industries.
