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10/10/15 10:02 AM

#37651 RE: Pasta #37650

Yeah Pasta! Back to .14¢ PPS pre-split. Ain't seen that since May 2014, when DFAR rules made me think we'd be meeting round the world berthing up our yachts in exotic locations.

I thought then we had the marking requirements extended from single Federal Stock Class (FSC) to five Federal Stock Groups (FSGs) for all the services and departments.

May 2014 release of Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation's jumped us 1¢ from 14-to-15 and I loaded up!!! Yeah well, already had enough to choke a herd of pigs. So, I figured by now I learned to maintain emotions in a more mature fashion.

Digging out my old walkman, and blasting out J Geils through the cheesy headphones while mowing ain'd akin to bounded rationality behaviour.

$10Mill keeps digging these JEWELS out!! Now I'm worried 'bout herd mentalities and social media's bounded rationality. We got another BANNER year coming up for a report date. What's our earnings have to be to justify our PPS in this lofty range (or higher). Ain't over till the fat lady sings after all.

Still got issues with Post Traumatic Stress on the May day-after the Semi-conductor Industry Association trumped DFAR's brand new rules and gloated about their anti-counterfeiting solution without us.

Took till August 2014 for Defense Logistics Agency to get the Secretary of Defense, Missile Defense Agency, NASA and the State Department to float us some grants to keep us alive. Still have those monthly grants going till August coming up in 2016.

DLA did hold that all-up, full-spectrum military-industrial manufacturers conference this June suggesting to the National Defense Industry Association (NDIA) DNA marking and data management tracking is in the cards.

Yip, you still here? Any tracking on NDIA's bitching and howling on DFAR's latest Request For Comment on it's rules we expect to be codified this upcoming May? Last codification turned out like rotten fish.

Hell, how we hung in here, I don't know. DoD gave us life support. Funding measures in the uplist, move to protected shelf and back off again required a lot of medicinal therapy. 'Bout time cotton pulled it's head out:). Cousin Joe on the Board of Directors may be finally earning those options with suggestions of Pharma ANDDDDD nutritional supplement industry moving to DNA Barcoding (we seem to be only COMMERCIAL GRADE manufacturer there with our Fiber Typing equipment being proven by the cotton gin)

I ain't got my butt on the lawn yet Pasta. Here's a little mo' JGeils a little older this time with a little toned down version of WAMMA JAMA. Like me, I gotta tone it down. And get to lawn beautification

I'll go sign a future's contract with that 12-year old kid who pisses me off most times for lawn mowing services next year, tell the wife it's in the bag.