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10/09/15 12:52 AM

#97793 RE: rayovac812 #97792

So Spiber values its shares at $1.53

They got 21M for R&D. Don't think we will be seeing any jackets yet but it could be a good deal for them in the future if they can get it to catch on.
One thing is that jacket is not necessarily made with an outer weave of silk. There is a very good chance it is in the inside liner and could even be in the stuffing. It would depend on what the thermal values are and what they want to use the product for. Their agreement seems to me to say they want the flexibility of their fiber. Could be 100% spiber but we will see in a few years what they come up with.

(5) Capital
2,534,580,000 yen (as at August 31, 2015)
(6) Common Stock
13,739,000 shares (as at August 31, 2015)

IMO They should have valued themselves a bit higher. With a low starting point like that the dilution is going to kill them.