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10/08/15 7:44 PM

#139487 RE: SSCadaver #139483

So has your IVXX experience changed your opinion towards TRTC the stock at all?


10/08/15 10:30 PM

#139497 RE: SSCadaver #139483

Great to hear! Sticky worthy?


10/08/15 10:44 PM

#139499 RE: SSCadaver #139483

Great endorsement of the IVXX product line!!

Here is a first hand customer report of superb product. More proof of the future success of TRTC and IVXX product line.

Just purchased IVXX papaya sugar wax from Releaf in San Diego. My experience:

-When I called to order the product, the owner answered the phone (or perhaps the manager). As soon as I mentioned IVXX he changed tone and says "that stuff is fire man. I'm probably going to get rid of the alpine waxes and carry IVXX exclusively."

-when the delivery driver arrived I asked if he knew anything about the product. He said "I hear something about them just starting, but it's fire product." I asked him if he knew that he could invest in the company. He told me "I don't really know much about that, but some people were telling us that a lot of companies are popping up on the stock market, and they've been telling us that we should do that too." Hahaha - he seemed to know very little about the company but plenty about the product itself.

-the product is fire. The smell is unbelievable compared to alpine waxes.



11/30/15 12:54 PM

#147159 RE: SSCadaver #139483

Again nice work! 50 million strong are Americans that like herb. Got the wax on the west coast with Edible Gardens out on the east, chomping at the bit to change the seed to one that romps!

Warren Budshire

12/09/15 9:15 AM

#148558 RE: SSCadaver #139483

any photos?


02/23/16 7:56 PM

#160755 RE: SSCadaver #139483

Nice review of the drugs you've done SSC!