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10/08/15 12:49 PM

#6355 RE: carmine_langone #6351

120 is the real number once we are fully reporting everyone will see that

This is false, they just issued a filing the other day and it showed the OS over 200 millions. If they filed the 10K tomorrow, the would have to show the OS over 200 million.

What you dont understand is that the Quillaims shares have not be cancelled, they only have a "stop transfer" on them which prevents them from converting the restricted cert into free trading shares, for the time being.

If they try to cancel the Q shares, it will most likely go to court, which would take a lot of time/money. I doubt the Quilliams will let those shares be taken away easily. They are as greedy as they come, as you know and that stock is worth MILLIONS... Frankly, i see them negotiating a deal behind the scenes and the Quilliams get their shares. Why do i think this? Because PP talked big about taking the Quilliams to court over the 10K mess and backed down. They probably have dirt on each other and both know they cant take it that far.

2 billion before the split who cares about the past

The reason why the 2 billion number is important is because its the only way to gain a clear picture of how bad the dilution has been over the past year. GHDC is being diluted MUCH FASTER than SFMI was and NOTHING has benefited the shareholders... The insiders are doing quite well tho!