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kid biscuit

10/08/15 2:50 PM

#52773 RE: capt AL #52772

You would probably do great as an investor in stocks that pay high dividends(SIR is great starter, in my favorite list at this time), Tiffany lamps(requires a few years of research, with metal working,soldering,wiring,and chemical and patina skills), or operate a window cleaning business for millionaires(a few years to build clientele and trust)or do estate liquidations for law firms(a few years to develop name among laywers near your area), or sell used cars( research required to avoid the lemons). Anything but the OTC, it requires way more patience than any of the above. Well anyways have a great day and enjoy indian summer while it lasts.

kid biscuit

10/08/15 3:04 PM

#52774 RE: capt AL #52772

Also you might do well learning to sell puts on the VIX related indexes immediately after a major market correction, sit back and let contango fill your bank account while others lose their shirt, or sell out of the money calls 12x's year and collect dividends after buying companies like MO after a huge crash like in 08. You can tell by the MO pps that all we have had lately is a mild profit taking correction(so may require a few years of waiting), or wait for the oil drillers like (SDRL and NE)to get pounded again to new lows and load up on stock option calls, sit back and wait for the next $3-$30. dollar run and bail whenever you think your happy( although the farther we go into this better chances for the big run go up, may take patience, so out of the money leaps or stock in that case with a 1 1/2 to 3yr outlook for maximum gains. Or load up on ACGX and turn your back on it and do all the above mentioned stuff to have fun.