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Captain Black Bob Blanco

10/07/15 3:30 PM

#40199 RE: marco polo iii #40198

Do you think it's fair that XNRG company directors acknowledge and thank shareholders for their questions on the company Forum, but let them go unanswered for 12 days? Meanwhile they are cutting and pasting news articles written by others, on that same Forum on a daily basis? It's not like they don't know those questions are there???
I realize it might be very time consuming to prepare those long safe harbors and disclaimers for those extremely carefully worded answers that could, I'm my opinion, be answered with a simple sentence or two, but with no other source for current information, what avenue is left for shareholders? When was the last time we had a quarterly filing or a Press Release? It's hard to be patient and not be critical, when you look at the daily trade volume and share price, and remember how it was, when that well was being drilled, we were getting PR's almost every week, while the shares were flying off the shelves like crazy.
In my opinion, it's not unfair to expect updates on one's investment.