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10/07/15 5:50 AM

#119329 RE: QueFine #119328


IMO the information below is utter and Completely Useless right now....seriously the CEO is creating imaginary scapegoats???

Here is a great article by the company CEO. It gives a great deal of insight to what he is dealing with and where this company can go.

While CEO Steven Samblis is busy creating tumblr pages he isn't submitting any material information publicly.

QueFine catch up on the facts here

IMO it appears as Steve is more obessed with Larry than doing his job as CEO. Did Steven Samblis learn anything from his former partner Joseph Collins? IMO Joe is running a company not making excuses.........


10/07/15 9:43 AM

#119330 RE: QueFine #119328

I would rather read stuff from Larry... In fact Larry should be running this company and not Scumbag Steve!!!


10/07/15 4:44 PM

#119334 RE: QueFine #119328

Is Steven Samblis Whining and Name calling? WOW

Seriously a CEO of a publicly traded company that has a ZERO current Bid or SEC Filings is IMO whining about something that isn't helping shareholder value? Amazing

Here is a great article by the company CEO. It gives a great deal of insight to what he is dealing with and where this company can go.

This doesn't make any he is talking about where the company can go?

CEO Steven Samblis has made ZERO mention of things such as

- Updated status on his alleged legal action against Clear Chanel

- What date is MyimaginationTV supposed to launch everywhere?

- What is the status of this Press Release?

It kinda looks like CEO Steven Samblis is wasting on tumblr whining about imaginary scapegoats and name calling.....IMO


10/08/15 2:52 PM

#119341 RE: QueFine #119328

Imagine yourself stumbling upon this ticker one day and the crazy CEO, whom you didn't know was crazy as a loon at the time, starts PR'ing all sorts of stuff about what was supposedly to come into play with this company,,,, BUT BUT BUT.... Nothing EVER comes to pass. Then you find out that this crazy loon CEO doesn't ever have anything he ever says come to fruition... EVER!!!! So tons of people start losing all sorts of money... Millions have been lost to this ticker after 10 years of NOTHING...

I am really surprised Steve doesn't have any other people stocking him. After all the damage and heart ache this guy has caused, I am surprised nothing worse has happened to him.

Karma is actually pretty cool though... I think Steve is getting to finally know Karma pretty well, don't you think?