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10/06/15 11:34 AM

#239142 RE: conix #239141

conix:"But I do like how Fiorina speaks." I thought you said you didn't like people that lie. Talk about two faced. You are a three faced.
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10/06/15 5:02 PM

#239156 RE: conix #239141

But I do like how Fiorina speaks.

Seriously?? The woman is a complete idiot and doesn't even know what the Chamber of Commerce does. Every company she touched, died a painful death.

Carly Fiorina Thinks Private Chamber Of Commerce Is Part Of US Gov’t

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina made a silly mistake at a conservative conference.

Asked about the private U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Fiorina appeared to believe that the organization was a part of the federal government. Fiorina asked attendees at the RedState Gathering in Georgia “what does the Chamber of Commerce do, remind me?”

The question is odd because the Chamber has been a major backer of pro-business Republican candidates over the years.

In fact, the Chamber spent $4.9 million in order to support Fiorina in her unsuccessful 2010 Senate campaign in California.

The candidate went on to decry it as an “agency of government.”
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10/08/15 4:20 PM

#239283 RE: conix #239141

I like Kasich.

Because you seem to like men who hate women.

Kasich Insults Young Female Voters: I Don’t Have Taylor Swift Tickets So Shut Up And Vote For Me (VIDEO)

Ohio Governor John Kasich apparently thinks female voters just attend town halls to try and mooch tickets to Taylor Swift concerts.

As college sophomore Kayla Solsbak enthusiastically tried to ask Kasich a question on immigration policy, he called on her by telling her that he doesn’t have any Taylor Swift tickets.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have any tickets for Taylor Swift, or Linkin Park. Go ahead, yes, I know you’re just so excited.”

Kasich answered her question by comparing undocumented immigrants to a person trying to break into her dorm room.

Here’s the video via YouTube.

The way Kasich treated her wasn’t amusing at all. Solsbak wrote about the insulting experience for The Collegian and blasted Kasich for using the University of Richmond visit to impress older attendees with his disrespect for women and young people.

“The older members of the audience chuckled as my friends’ jaws dropped to the floor,” Solsbak wrote. “It was astonishingly clear that Gov. Kasich did not come to Richmond for my vote.”

“While the lectures were condescending, the real issue was that Kasich chose not to listen to students in his forum. Most of the questions came from older members of the community, many vocalizing their support of Kasich before throwing him a softball question. Kasich barreled through a Planned Parenthood question, dismissing the young woman who posed it, and derided me when I had the audacity to raise my hand. Kasich came to Richmond to pander to retired Republicans. He could gain points by belittling me and my peers, so that’s what he did.”

But that’s not all. Solsbak pointed out that Kasich’s entrance music at the forum sent young female voters a message as well: just shut up and vote for him.

“In a half-hearted attempt to connect with young voters, Kasich entered the town hall forum with the 2014 hit song ‘Shut Up and Dance With Me’ blasting from the speakers. While my friends all found it out of place, I realized that the song’s title accurately reflects Kasich’s message to young voters: shut up and elect me.”

Solsbak concluded by advising Kasich and other candidates to treat everyone respectfully like they are an informed voter because informed voters who ask questions want serious answers, not awkward pop culture references used to make themselves look hip and cool.

“If the candidate wants to connect with my peers, he can’t do it through superficial pop culture references. If he wants our votes, he needs to listen to our voices and address the issues we care about. The president leads the country, not the VMAs, and it’s insulting that the governor doesn’t think we can distinguish between the two. I didn’t go to a town hall forum for Taylor Swift tickets, Gov. Kasich. I went because it’s my civic duty to be an informed voter. Please start treating me like one.”

According to the Census Bureau, millennial voters like Solsbak now outnumber baby boomers and represent more than 25 percent of the nation’s population. Meanwhile, the conservative voters Kasich and other GOP candidates are courting are dying off, meaning there are less of them every day while the younger demographic keeps on growing. And considering 67 percent of young voters went for President Obama and Democrats in the previous presidential election in 2012, Republicans would be wise to start respecting them and their political views instead of treating them like children who don’t know anything.