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25 Kilos of Gold

10/06/15 5:02 AM

#124663 RE: Barron4664 #124659

Good post but SADLY that advice will fall on deaf ears. Eom


10/06/15 5:41 AM

#124664 RE: Barron4664 #124659

Great post Barron....I agree and it really is sad to see where this board has gone.....many of the regular posters are tired of all the whining and BS and have moved on....though I believe they are all continuing to have useful conversations about the science at CTIX.


10/06/15 7:26 AM

#124671 RE: Barron4664 #124659

Patience while our multi BILLION $ market cap continues to fulfill its destiny.

Everything is on track. Even my trading plan to acquire as much as I can.

CTIX is incredibly undervalued.


Just a followup to my previous post. Note the psychological operations at play here on IH. All longs on the board. Ask yourself the following question. Why are we entertaining discussions of bankruptcy of CTIX tonight? Just ignore the FUD! Stop engaging it. When you figure out why we are discussing this nonsensical topic then you will have the answer to why the pps is where it is. Anyone interested in CTIX who does a google search will get mostly ihub posts. When they read this nonsense they will go somewhere else. The only thing that CTIX has to offer anyone right now in its stage of development is potential. Potential is the only thing we are investing in. Nothing more. So why engage the FUD and the nit pickers in never ending debate about everything but potential? Those debates are by design. We are under attack I heard it said here tonight. Know your enemy. Go CTIX!


10/06/15 9:01 AM

#124683 RE: Barron4664 #124659

Great post filled with common sense! It's obvious, we own what someone else wants badly. Go CTIX!!!