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10/05/15 3:36 PM

#16803 RE: Black Beerd #16802

.00006, It may get seriously ugly real soon. As the pre C contract gives redwood, dominion and others, individual accounting methods with a 40% discount in 6 weeks, in the past 2 weeks they're enabled to load up on .00006. Yet there has been vary little sign of them dumping them with that 40% profit. rather they are pulling the same scam multiples of at least two times the money, and 140% profit on only .0002, that's also very small volume, no where near the potential in their bag.

The probability that the current outstanding is 5 billion or better is very high now. This gives toxic the ability to hold 4.99% or 245,000,000 each and possibly up to 9.99% or 499,000,000 each.

So, if they're not throwing these down currently, the odds are they're waiting for the ConMan routine 1 or two possibilities for them to pull another wipeout existing. 1. while income appears to be severally depressed, the annual report could give the impression it's better than current for including income that's now none existent, home depot and others prior to June 30, 2015.

Redwood and their pals have done this several times, load and wait.

option 2. run a story about gaining some interest..

2 potential death traps, a possible way for any bottom feeders to dump their .0001's in a flip op. but total death for the unrespecting as toxic is all set up for the killing, with bags holding a potential of 1 billion shares in total.