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10/05/15 2:27 PM

#239078 RE: DesertDrifter #239077

Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh make a good living telling the gullible Pres Obama wants to take away their guns.


10/05/15 3:47 PM

#239083 RE: DesertDrifter #239077

The mother of the Roseburg, Oregon shooter stockpiled firearms because she feared stricter gun laws. Laurel Harper, the mother of the shooter, shared an apartment with her son. She was aware that he had mental problems, but chose to stockpile guns in her home because she feared the Obama administration was going to pass laws making it more difficult to get guns. She would seek the least restrictive gun ranges to take her son so the two of them could shoot as they desired. She had purchased several guns just weeks before her son killed nine innocent people.

As you can see, Obama is to blame for this violence, his action about politicizing violence leads to violence!

Democrats are to blame for all gun violence!


10/05/15 7:44 PM

#239102 RE: DesertDrifter #239077

she feared the Obama administration was going to pass laws making it more difficult to get guns.

Maybe someone should have told the moron that Obama needs congress to pass laws. These people are so stupid it hurts.