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The Joker1143

10/05/15 6:22 AM

#7720 RE: bilboo #7719

"The technology is too advanced for the public to understand"....are you seriously saying that the general public cannot understand what a fingerprint scanner is?
Also, it might be better for stockholders if they knew where the "mass manufacturing" was being done. Surely this is not a secret, along with all the other cloak and dagger stuff this outfit surrounds itself with.
I recall the CEO saying on the company website that finding customers was not a problem. If so, why has she had to employ "sales people"- around the world to boot. How much are they being paid. One would hope not in shares to further dilute holdings. How many are there?
The annual report soon to be released (late) will be of great interest. This is one area where there can be no "commercial in confidence"
It is also to be hoped that the company now has fixed the financial record keeping disarray which was noted in the March quarterly report.
I am sure you will recall that it was once mentioned that the cards would be offered to banks at $50 per card, and that the banks would then offer the cards at a monthly charge (!!!) to cardholders.
If this is the basis of the selling of the cards by the "sales force", then you can kiss the banks goodbye for a start.