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10/05/15 3:12 AM

#40755 RE: goodbadugly #40754

Yes, looks like the same.

"in a civil proceeding regarding a joint venture to develop Russian oilfields involving two companies, Magellan Energy Ltd. and Koll Resources Ltd.,

HOLDING every single one of my shares.




10/05/15 7:17 PM

#40756 RE: goodbadugly #40754

This suit was against the people who originally hijacked the shell. They duped Shnaider into investing 50 million in the worthless stock. He punished them in court. After this suit was filed Bill Akrivos picked up the ball and printed billions more phony shares and sold them. I bought mine from him in 2009. I suspect he is the one seeddragon needs to find. I made some good money trading this one in 2009 but got hung out with millions of shares I bought cheap just a few hours before the SEC stopped them; your accountant can advise you on how to write off the loss. There is no way to sell them.


10/13/15 3:08 PM

#40771 RE: goodbadugly #40754

What was that? ????wow!