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10/03/15 10:43 PM

#297 RE: Cash McCall #296

Your name, Cash far as the SERIAL SIMMONDS FRAUDSTER is concerned....should be renamed to CASH MCGAUL....if this, is in fact, the "Myth, the man, the legend.....ha, ha...AKA JGS".

Q. Why are you so concerned about your hired minions, and their reputation(s)? You are / have been the "mastermind" of these B.S penny stock scams / frauds for decades, so the "buck...or "fraction of a penny" in this case" full stops with you! You are a real POS, and it is my obligation, and responsibility to forewarn anyone who would invest (1) penny of their hard earned capital with a POS like you.

You should be ashamed, and feel some guilt, for the actions you have foisted upon the innocent investing public...but you could care le$$.lYour grandfather, and father, despite the fact that they were total POS's, would have disowned you for your reprehensible actions, but they are now DEAD!

You obviously answer to a "higher" authority, one that probably adheres to a code of OMERTÀ are a PATHETIC bitch, and a real POS...I trust that you will burn in hell, like most of your pre-deceased "Christian" family (Grandfather, Father, uncles, etc.) that have preceded you into the gates of HELL.

YOU, like them, will Join Hitler, side by side, arm in arm, as the DEVIL takes turns shoving pineapples up your respective asses, repeatedly, until you can't take it anymore. This is the eternity you have "earned" in the next life, by your reprehensible actions in this the fact that you are, in fact, the true SPAWN of SATIN himself, and the fact that you have FULLY lived up to your prodigious origin(s).

Now go back and slurp slime from the spot under the rock from where you recently came from....LOSER!

BTW, your Girlfriend / new potential wife, is a total DOG, and a STUPID Biatch.....and she will also burn in eternal hell, right beside you, you total POS!