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10/03/15 9:38 AM

#70617 RE: skichic #70616


Reasonable fundamentals, at least for a sub-penny.

Well, let's see what amount to reasonable fundamentals in your book.

More than 400% dilution since inception in 2004

More than 80% dilution since 2012 when Hodge became officially the name of record in the SOS of WA.

More than 4% dilution in the last quarter.

No meaningful revenues ever. In the last year the only revenues reported come from CBMJ, another Henthorn controlled company. And that is less than $20K.

Reported huge losses. When you only have $20K revenues, you obviously lose money.

$1.1 million in debts. $250k+ in IRS payroll liabilities. Henthorn closed bank account in 2007 to prevent confiscation of funds. From them on no funds were left in new bank account. Hundreds of checks bounced.

Henthorn is still in charge. Hodge is nothing more than front man. He lives in a "dump" in central Florida.

Henthorn and the others in his team have been sued more than a hundred times, losing on several occasions but there has been nothing to collect.

Agreement made by me with IRS in 2012, by which the interested and penalties were forgiven if arrangements were made to make payments was rescinded when Hodge/Henthorn did not follow through.

In early 3013, Hodge issues 30 million shares to ICTN for fraudulently for software that did not exist.

Since 2012, there has been several pump and dump schemes. This one is not the first one. None of them generated any revenues.

Look at whole history of stock price. It made the same downward be line, reaching a new all time low this past week.

Bank statements for the 2007-09 period show hundreds of thousands of dollars misappropriated. (Now, this would be of no consequence if we had a different management team, but we don't. The same team that did that back them is still in charge now.}

The VR APP is not worth a damn thing. It is made using somebody else's software. It is only worth something if you put content in it. But no content has been put in it. It is worse than the PPV VOD of years ago. No platform is of any value unless you have paying customers that use it. Show me that there is any paying customers and where are they coming from.

Ok, that's enough. As I said before, I could write a one thousand page book on all the scheming and scamming, and all the smoke and mirrors and dog-and-pony shows these management team has concocted over the year, but I have better things to do with my time.

So, is this what stands for 'reasonable fundamentals' in your book? Please . . . !

Now, if you want to tell me that you are putting money into this on the assumption that a bigger gambler will come along and buy your shares at two or three times what you paid for it, we'll maybe it will happen.

A month or two ago those who bought at 0.003 to 0.006 were saying the same things you and the others are saying now. The same thing was being said by those who bought at 0.008 to 0.012 the first and last time it traded at those level. And guess what, the stock has continued to go down, which means most of those gamblers lost and lost big time, and they are now, by the hundreds, if not thousands, holding on to nearly worthless shares, some of them, if not most, with losses of more than 90%. Meantime, the 'insiders' have been issuing free shares to themselves year in and year out.

So, that's what passes for reasonable fundamentals in your book -- even for a penny stock? Wow!

Except for one fellow who put lots of money in this things, I doubt that there is anyone who would like to see this go up any more than you do. Oh, don't I wish the management actually did something positive for a change. But it looks like they prefer to split a few hundred thousand of looted funds from gamblers that to try to make a real business out of this, which could potentially make them a hundred times as much money or more.

Greed knows no end. It blinds people.