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10/02/15 5:01 PM

#52755 RE: capt AL #52753

The 75 shares were sold for .0007 yesterday

They painted it down. They had a bid for about 6 million shares and were hoping by selling off 75 shares to drop the price, they would be able to gobble shares up. It didn't work and that trick hasn't worked for a while now.

kid biscuit

10/03/15 1:47 AM

#52757 RE: capt AL #52753

Simply having fun, from .0007 to .001 is 43% :) Once I took a position in a stock at an all time low at exactly 1.00 pps, amazingly it went up in value almost exactly 1 penny a day, so after a several months a double occurred. That was almost too easy, no big shake outs. Just slow but sure. I'd enjoy a run like that here, to watch the bid go up .0001 at the end of each week for the next 4 1/2 months back up to .01 We've have gone down on average of about .000025 pps per day for the last 18 months or 360 market days to be exact, since the run up to .01 last year. Very slow and methodical as ACGX converted notes. I'd like to be hopeful that the conversion situation is under control now too. The mill in monthly revenues, the profits, PeopleVine, happy customers coming back and doing double duty on new orders. Interested parties to buy out ACGX. Nice set of circumstances.