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10/02/15 3:55 PM

#27985 RE: RenoJon #27984



10/02/15 4:13 PM

#27986 RE: RenoJon #27984

RJ- well you got one thing right, McGann belongs in the product lab. To that I add, not the CEO office. I encourage that change. Matter of fact, I thought making BL President was a sign of things to come.

I do challenge your "satisfied" disposition on "things to date "... Its a worthless endeavor for a public company to achieve great things in the lab and in the product marketplace while their market value decreases. That's part of mgt.'s job also and to abdicate that job to the "wind" is really discouraging and dangerous.

One thing a smart man of science instantly recognizes: I am NOT a CEO, I am a scientist. So be that. Leave leading to leaders.


10/02/15 4:35 PM

#27987 RE: RenoJon #27984

I agree with most of what you said however the satisfied has much to be improved upon. bolduc was fired because he talked about refinancing DMRJs loan. They came down on him with an iron hammer and now we want the current management team to talk to us on a conference call about refinancing the loan from DM R J?


They will NEVER discuss this with investors and probably go to an undisclosed location to talk about it amongst themselves, it apparently is THAT volatile of a topic so let's all stop saying they need to discuss this with us.