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10/13/15 11:17 AM

#6832 RE: diannedawn #6714

Dates to remember...
As noted in the schedule above, the parties are required to schedule and to
participate with each other in a discovery conference by the deadline in the
schedule. For guidance, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(2), and
TBMP § 401.01. In the conference, the parties are required to discuss (1) the nature

Time to Answer 9/21/2015
Deadline for Discovery Conference 10/21/2015
Discovery Opens 10/21/2015
Initial Disclosures Due 11/20/2015
Expert Disclosures Due 3/19/2016
Discovery Closes 4/18/2016
Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures 6/2/2016
Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends 7/17/2016
Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures 8/1/2016
Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends 9/15/2016
Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures 9/30/2016
Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends 10/30/2016
Cancellation No. 92062009
- 4 -
of and basis for their respective claims and defenses, (2) the possibility of settling or at least
narrowing the scope of claims or defenses, and (3) arrangements for disclosures, discovery and
introduction of evidence at trial, if the parties are unable to settle at this time.

Discussion of amendments of otherwise prescribed procedures can include limitations on disclosures
and/or discovery, willingness to stipulate to facts, and willingness to stipulate to more efficient
options for introducing at trial information or materials obtained through disclosures or

The parties must hold the conference in person, by telephone, or by any means on which they agree.
A Board interlocutory attorney or administrative trademark judge will participate in the
conference, upon request of any party, provided that such request is made no later than ten (10)
days prior to the conference deadline. See Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(2). A request for Board
participation must be made either through an ESTTA filing, or by telephone call to the assigned
interlocutory attorney whose name is on the TTABVUE record for this proceeding. A party should
request Board participation only after the parties have agreed on possible dates and times for the
conference. A conference with the participation of a Board attorney will be by telephone, and the
parties shall place the call at the agreed date
attorney will be by telephone, and the parties shall place the call at the agreed
and time, in the absence of other arrangements made with the Board attorney."