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10/02/15 10:55 AM

#159726 RE: u238ed #159719

Woah, uh NO. "Obamacare has actually reduced the gov's burden of paying for uninsured people at the hospital."

Perhaps the " uninsured", but the government never paid that anyway, we did, in higher premiums because hospitals charge more to ins providers to off set the cases they write off.

The government has dramatically increased spending because the vast majority of " newly " insured, are actually folks who got on the Medicaid roles in the states that expanded it, no the U.S. Gov picks up the tab for the first three years, but once that three years are up, states pick up the lions share, and that is when states will be forced to baulk. There's no control for Medicaid, because the patients have no skin in the game, they can use med services as much as they chose, bill free, unless they are on spend down, but that's not the variable in question.