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10/02/15 7:02 AM

#238841 RE: shtsqsh #238838

Keep in mind the audience Ben Carson is talking to...Carson may survive a few primaries, but not when knowledgeable voters show up in Nov.
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10/02/15 10:56 AM

#238859 RE: shtsqsh #238838

Ben Carson's Follies: 7 of the Most Stupefying Statements by the GOP's Favorite Neurosurgeon

This "man of science" has no problem denying both science and reality. And the base loves it.

Now we know for sure that education is no hedge against mindblowing irrational thinking. Our proof? None other than Dr. Ben Carson, highly trained pediatric neurosurgeon, man of science, leading GOP presidential contender and batsh*t crazy Bible-thumper in the first degree.

Last week, the soft-spoken former doctor, continuing a surge begun in late summer, closed the gap with longstanding frontrunner Donald Trump. Carson accomplished this feat after weeks (nay, months, years!) of spewing what can only be regarded as stupefying nonsense, including last week’s argument at the Values Voter Summit that a blatantly unconstitutional religious test be administered to Muslims seeking office in order to protect the Constitution. Denying global warming while in drought-stricken, wildfire-plagued California and denying police racism while in Ferguson, Mo. were other recent feats of the nimble neurosurgeon’s intellect. And all of these statements seem to have helped him among the base, where it seems nuttiness exists in direct proportion to popularity. It seems that a scientist who denies science and a black man who denies the existence of racism is catnip for these voters.

So, in honor of Carson’s surge in the polls, here are some of his greatest hits:

1. Gayness must be a choice, because prisoners who are raped come out gay.

2. Obamacare is worse than slavery. We live in a Gestapo age.

3. The Big Bang is a “fairy tale” and the notion of evolution was encouraged by the devil.

4. There’s no war on women; there may be a war on women’s insides.

5. Nope, I don’t see any global warming.

6. Nope, I don’t see any racism.

7. Planned Parenthood is a plot to kill black babies.

Note how he cleverly worked in another 'Nazi Germany' reference. No need to shout when you can always use the dog whistle.