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10/01/15 6:06 AM

#19013 RE: sam1933 #19012

that market valuation for BABLyou are thinking?

A / S 165 million $$$$$$$$$$$$$
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10/01/15 6:32 AM

#19014 RE: sam1933 #19012

Sam1933- some JACKPOT DD for BABL - you nailed it "mail servers" btw. Nice.

When people actually start doing the DD on BABL, they will understand just why the SS here is playing significantly into our favor. This is literally - the ground floor for this company as its downtrended on no awareness and limited communications. Well all that's going to break very soon as the technicals on the chart have been ready for company affirmation. Here are 14 points to consider.

1-The company is not building nor compiling debt based on its current revenue structure and capability

2- Buildablocks DEFINITELY has entered the MMJ arena as those pages are easily aces sable through Google.

3- is unreal. You have to realize just how many people use that service. So the fact that more attention is geared toward the server capacity for BABL - it's unreal. Something is up! Majorly! We will soon find out.

4- Accumulation is over the roof. People park at .0015 in the dream of getting hit because they know their is only two large shareholders. One, will not dilute this low. The other, has to has operations $$ and as a shareholder, we have to respect their ability to carefully raise capital. Please understand that since they are not diluting on any regular basis at all, accumulation continues to LOCK THE FLOAT!

5- THE VERY BOTTOM PPS of BABL is .0015. Only 8 days- 8 trading days have this pps been available at .0015. Seven of those days, there wasn't even 1 mil in vol. some days - 50-100k. It will test .0022 and then .0031 with more volume.

6- This is one of the rare gems of the OTC. I give this 7-8 trading sessions before the potential mega white candle. The channel will be .0025-.003. If we accumulate about 7.6 mil more shares - the float, just may in fact be locked - and if that's the case - the company will be much inclined to REWARD its shareholders with a meaty PR showing exactly what we got. That fundamental - could put us .0031 ma200 break.

7-This is so under the radar --think about it - this has 78mil shares possible MAX that we could all own!! And this is NOT a scam! They really exist and really do business and really have a great online shopping website. They really sell products and already offer mmj product lines. They really don't PR bullcrap - they made it clear- they will let us know once the new websites - specifically for MMj- will be up and running. Oberman and Bulzak are likely preparing a financial that's due (technically) and hopefully, the success of the mobile app in Colorado since now Oregon allows recreational use.

8- however- if someone really did their DD- they may find some real serious potential on the horizon for BABL and specifically, the management. They have proven to show what is currently sold in the MMJ arena for two states on their website. They constantly update that product line. They do offer a much more generic variety of typical accessory products in more states but it's clear - they have some other things going on.

9- It is likely that someone who does DD- will find that the CEO of Buildablocks has some major contacts "friends and potential business partners" that are very intriguing for the prospects of BABL. I almost prefer that smart investors find their way here since there is no chance we are Unless you've owned this company for years - you are likely averaged down to .002-.003's. IMO- if we continue to see this absurd % of accumulation to o/s - This is going into pennyland the first day we hear from the company. Let the O/s and float sink in. Less than 165 mil with 88mil restricted. Company confirms it and only grants me generic responses to any communications. Love that.

10- I will continue to accumulate, and if the company rewards us by continuing not to dilute beyond administrative and organizational needs - this is going to skyrocket on awareness. The owner /CEO owns a majority of the o/s with two guys. They have put so much time and energy and are likely close to the finish line on the creod buying and selling MJ site.

11- I HIGHLY SUGGEST you EMAIL or CALL CEO and request a OTC markets update - to remove the stop sign. It's not even a big deal what they need to satisfy for it to be pink current. Once that happens, bids will be lining up signifcantly higher price points on the graph.

12- This is the ground floor. It took months of limited communication, from a real company with real intentions of an unbelievable revenue stream that is apparently close to be coming in. The prs - albeit- not recent - suggest we should be hearing from the company soon. IMO they are purposely waiting for the functionality of the new website before detailing all they have been up to. However, again, someone who conducts DD- will likely stumble upon a few interesting and strong affirmations, that the relatively silent BABL is more deadly then you think. In a very good way. Clearly - they are selling a ton of product and have a ton of subscribers and auctions and crowd buying and selling and bidding and all that jazz. But, it's not just the amount of servers being used for Buildablocks that should be of focus my friend. Dig deeper and play around with the sites and names he's connected to! You might be pleasantly surprised.

I3- Accumulation is over the roof but- that's not even the best part. The two very powerful PATENTS really position BABL to be at the forefront of a new revenue sector within the Mj sector.

14- Oberman has had mega success with 5 prior companies he ran. He has spent so much time making BABL the social and commercial origin point for subscribers - especially since couponing and group buying is becoming increasingly popular especially in financial areas.

IMO very big things are coming from BABL and the current management wasn't shy just this past Feb and before with constant updates. Truly hope that's about to start now - until then- scoring .0015-.0025 appears like the lowest channel and potentially 1000% for those investors doing DD now- and realziing the Opp here.

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10/01/15 8:08 AM

#19016 RE: sam1933 #19012

Checkmate! sam1933, with this BABL research...

That research is awesome! Thanks for posting such logic. You saved me the headaches of going through some research to "Compare & Contrast" such logic up against other companies. If you don't mind, can you post the links for where you got the "Market Valuation" for those other companies? I'm going to create something in greater detail from your research that you have provided.

I think your info is still worth another read by all:

RE: "...but I like its potential for growth and gains."

leafly MARKET VALUATION---------->> $425 MILLION

by comparing database records, I was pleased to find that babl's base is much stronger... and (imo) when it comes to MJ MMJ play it will have huge impact on growth and gains...

Names of the mailservers of (1425 shown)
Names of the mailservers of (1238 shown)

database is most important playing role in present market!!!


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11/05/15 3:37 PM

#19337 RE: sam1933 #19012

sam1933, with this key BABL research…

Your research and thoughts that you have provided here regarding BABL have been phenomenal. It is much appreciated by all here that reads the forum, I am sure. I must admit that I was a little ignorant on the full scope of the potential that BABL brings to the market, but the research that you have provided has continued to educate myself about BABL.

I understand the high risk that exists here in BABL of which I like because I am searching for high rewards. I’m not searching for something on a very conservative level for gains. Such is not my style although I do respect those who model themselves from a more conservative style.

My BABL research is not on your level as this link that you have provided is something I was not previously aware of:

That link is a huge confirmation that something huge is quietly going on behind the scenes to position BABL for some very serious growth in my opinion. Nobody is even talking about BABL anywhere. It is completely under the radar. Here is the website that I am about to ”Compare & Contrast” again against some far more successful companies that have lower amounts of mailservers than what BABL has with its database:

Based on what you posted from that link regarding BABL and the amount of names on its mailservers of its
~ had 1434 shown on its mailservers, but now has 1529
~ has 1398 shown on its mailservers
~ has 1373 shown on its mailservers
~ has 594 shown on its mailservers

This is important because of the post that you made earlier comparing the Market Cap for all of those companies above to (BABL). For those seeing this for the first time, observe…

~ has 1529 shown ** Market Cap of $331,000
~ has 1398 shown ** Market Cap of $300,000,000
~ has 1373 shown ** Market Cap of $44,000,000
~ has 594 shown ** Market Cap of $425,000,000

With BABL trading at .002 per share and having an Outstanding Shares (OS) of 165,608,379 Shares, that gives BABL a Market Cap (MC) of roughly $331,000 for right now. So, let’s compare and contrast with its competitors:

MC for BABL/ = $331,000
MC for = $300,000,000
MC for = $44,000,000
MC for = Market Cap of $425,000,000

To get an idea of the direction of where BABL could be positively heading, compare the Market Cap’s for BABL against those companies above. Clearly, BABL is significantly undervalued here at these levels. Take for an example. Massroots trade at $1.47 per share with a MC of $67,000,000 as of today which is actually up from its previous MC I posted of $44 million:

Considering that BABL/ has a greater capacity for growth considering the info above indicated within this post, I would like to think that at roughly around .002 per share, the position for BABL should be considered significantly undervalued.

In my opinion, I think the market only needs a pulse from the company to confirm all of what has been thus far confirmed and speculated about regarding their operations being ready to move forward very soon.

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07/29/16 6:42 PM

#20651 RE: sam1933 #19012

question sam, when I click on this link, is the micro soft connection new? when looking at the diagram,