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10/01/15 7:15 AM

#118082 RE: redspeed #118075

Thanks Red:

You might have a compelling point on the maturity of other companies who have successfully garnered financing/funding. In the end, the Science is always what should advice to Mgt....

......please stop pursuing purchases of assets you cant afford. And it would be humble to partner or sale the ESS asset at this time. Could you imagine if you woke up to a news release were the company secured 50, 100 or 150mm cash to fund MANF. We could see $8 or more overnight and the company can go along away and fund its pipeline and even acquire other strategic assets.

Note: Watching a company called Oncovista Innovations (OVIT) right now. Its traded on the OTC and the CEO has confirmed about a month ago that 3 funding sources were interested in funding the company (of course, the company has two key assets...a phase I/II and phase I candidates that have been put on hold for several years due to a lawsuit (which was resolved favorably a few months ago). But most importantly,
it bodes well to see an OTC listed company that might get a major equity funding....if all plays out per the CEO's last news release (although market conditions could delay it further).


10/01/15 8:04 AM

#118087 RE: redspeed #118075

Grimes was hired for 'grants' which is a different financial animal altogether than bringing in an IB or a JV Partnership type funding. LPC's SEDA was more in line with smart access to cash than any of the Series Preferred they've employed, especially the notoriously fatal and toxic death spiral Series G, which was a huge gamble against the clock and was floorless. Whoever put together and 'agreed with' the catostrophic Series G deal (SRFF/Bobby Farrell) should be permanently taken out, as the offshore shorts (and peeps in the know) made a killing on the retail shareholder blood:

The New Series H with a $2.00/$2.50 convertible strike price, and wrap-around for both Dominion & Discovery have afforded them the ability to avoid BK or a reorg., at the very least to fight another day. However, they will need significant news to break past these financial hurdles in the future. So much for attaining the NAS uplisting (for now). By the way, I recommended Gerald to Dickie Vogel.