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09/29/15 7:03 PM

#2594 RE: TMLonggun #2593

I've already got all I need in junior miners at the bottom and they are all already profitable producers with no arbitrary contracts/agreements sustaining their values. MXSG would simply be an additional gamble on a non-producer if it was cheap enough to mitigate the risk. After seeing that termination clause, it just became riskier. I don't know what goes on behind AR's closed doors , this deal could be terminated at anytime for any number of reasons unbeknownst to me and MSXG being a non-producer with no tangible assets would rapidly return to a .015 stock. I'm out.


09/30/15 4:58 PM

#2610 RE: TMLonggun #2593

Hard to best his win/lose calculus except to equalize 95% impressive assays and PPS rise odds. Told PT is my last trick pony ride even UP IN THE SADDLE! Been more correct than funny far off in all the one and half decade gold bull not yet finalized after the necessary rest time down as the funny farm emptied awhile. Cuckoo majority's flown south not long back as a few we see edge flutter winged back in. I think many landed in Sacramento and formed Moonbeam's Never Never Land cabinet approving bread and games for the Boxer/Pelosi masses.

Perhaps? Now will dawn Cousin Rob's era of DJA/POG shared 5K but any near/below 5-1 is pure banditry; now 16-1.

"You guys are looking at a spotless Lamborghini for sale for a dollar and are complaining about the price"

PT gets to donate my brain matter for investor DNA research long as it don't hurt in the petri dish. But my feeling? is more centered in the heart required with some sizeable testes & guts as well and strong bowel evacuateing impulse resist now and again. 8