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09/28/15 5:36 PM

#325446 RE: theiceman13 #325445

And yet the a/s is maxed out because there's ridiculous amounts of dilution lol


09/28/15 8:04 PM

#325464 RE: theiceman13 #325445

$100 Bucks a share by December, 2016

Bank it!





09/28/15 10:16 PM

#325477 RE: theiceman13 #325445

They don't pay their bills. They admit that.

they have so much credit available to them it's ridiculous..

They're a broke little scam. No one would lend them money. Just Foley's fraud conviction would take any sort of traditional borrowing off limits, never mind the criminal shenanigans they've got going on every single day.


09/29/15 12:25 AM

#325482 RE: theiceman13 #325445

LOL!! Now THAT'S funny stuff!! Nobody except the worst TOXIC floorless financier would loan NTEK a freaking penny.

Even the Mob loan sharks wouldn't lend them munny. Asher might. Any of a dozen brutally ruthless TOXIC floorless financiers would give them munny IF they putt the supervoting Preferred shares in escrow as collateral.

Butt hay, the AS is never going over a Billion, right? Mark it, right?


Death Spirals are unrecoverable


09/29/15 11:20 AM

#325501 RE: theiceman13 #325445

NTEK has so much funding yet they're doubled and maxed the authorized shares in 8 short months.

Does Not Compute.