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09/28/15 8:45 AM

#23164 RE: Stability #23147

Stability...between now and Christmas this stock is going to be moving to MUCH higher ground! We have FULL transparency in the form of SEC filings, fully audited financials and the stringent standards of being listed on the OTCQB exchange! So in other words we get to monitor every single move/step they make!

And we have an uber experienced management team who spent the entire summer and part of September wiping all the toxic debt off of GEQU's books and cleaning up GEQU's entire balance sheet!

In fact management took control of just over +70% of GEQU's entire O/S in the form of management issued Restricted 144 stock...which means ALL of GEQU's restricted shares are now company affiliate stock...which means none of those shares can be sold for 1 years time...and even/if when there ever comes a time that mgmt. does want to sell...they have to 1st file their intention to sell with the SEC...and even then due to the SEC's strict guidelines on selling company issued affiliate could/can only sell a paltry 1% of GEQU's entire issued and outstanding shares over the course of an entire 3 month period ok! So in other words such a puny amount that it's hardly worth mentioning...but in case others aren't familiar with how affiliate 144 Restricted stock works I felt it worthy of an explanation k.

And far more importantly than mgmt.'s incredible balance sheet clean up is the simple fact that now that GEQU's incredible foundation has been built...and they've received an early uplisting to the OTCQB because the OTCQB was so impressed with their transparency and professionalism...the next growth steps for this burgeoning growth MONSTA in the making is for management to begin releasing their next valuation driving developments...which will all come in the form of receiving large CASH payments for doing consulting for their pipeline of over +20 clients...along with receiving large equity stakes when they begin takin each of their +20 clients public through IPO's on exchanges all over the world!

So do all the available due that GEQU's management team has already put out there for everyone to piece together...and you will see that these next 3 months are chock full of amazing growth driving announcements forthcoming with no place for the share price to go but up up up as various breeds of investors from all over the planet begin building their positions in GEQU and applying their own valuation metrics to mgmt's next sequence of growth driving announcements cheers!