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09/26/15 12:04 AM

#3622 RE: taxpayer #3621

...and Americans sticking up their finger... Inventing Facebook , Instagram . It's people like you that give us a bad name. Nothing has ever stopped this country so quit with the pessimism it does nothing for any of us. An AMERICAN Indian by the name of Balaji is worth 10MM engineers. Stop focusing on the lazy or poor your only making it realer in your own eyes. GE runs sh*t. America runs sh*t.

Elmer Phud

09/26/15 12:49 PM

#3623 RE: taxpayer #3621


Go Global and this is what you get ..Americans Sucking on their Thumb..posting selfies on FB, Instagram

The US is competing for jobs in the global marketplace. As long as our political system uses welfare to buy votes, they will need to get the money to pay for it somewhere. A hostile tax and regulatory environment is not competitive in the global marketplace so the exodus seems inevitable. Yes, Americans have been conditioned to suck their thumbs while looking to government to solve their problems. It's not going to happen.