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09/25/15 8:02 AM

#23332 RE: Goodbuddy4863 #23330

Jeez you don't get it. Indoor Harvest is not a cannabis company. They make hydroponic and aeroponic growing platforms - we grow the cannabis with it.

The deal with Indoor Harvest is good because we can do nearly free research on aeroponic cannabis production and if we do good eventually we can license the technology (a program of nutrients and environmental conditions including lighting,

literally software running environmental controls - we would license the software and the cannabis specific changes we have made to the system.
Along with our ability to license our brand, our unique strain names and proprietary strains, we can license an advanced technique for growing cannabis

Canopy Growth will have the ability to simply start up a quick brand - send them complete self enclosed growing platforms out of Houston and some cell cultures from Smith Falls - a few months later you have a completely operational cannabis production unit nearly anywhere on the planet. Quick start-up of the very best we have to offer - that is what Indoor harvest can do - they ship grow ops.

Canopy Growth is meant to build other Tweed's, other Bedrocan's and whole other brands that fit within different cultures and societies - we got the right stuff, software engineers and graphic designers, botanists and laboratory technicians, and we got a partnership with a good looking new company in the states - this is all coming together beautifully