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06/23/06 1:33 PM

#1205 RE: Vexari #1204

Vexari: the group and the culture, that one grows up in, usually molds the thinking of that individual for life. There is the lesson of the man that observes his wife cutting off the ends of a ham before placing it into the oven. He asks her why she does that, as he thinks that some waste is involved. His wife responds, "That's the way my mother taught me." "Fascinating!" he thinks. So he calls up his mother-in-law. She answers his question of why with, "That's the way my mother taught me." Therefore, he calls up her aged mother. "Grandma Jones, why do you clip off the ends of a ham, before you put it in the oven?" She says, "I have to, in order to fit it into my little pan."

In a prosperous society, like America, one might be in great wonderment as to why anyone should be in poverty. Yet, one has to accept poverty, in one's mind, to stay in poverty for more than a few weeks. The mind then provides reasons, whether valid or not, as to why this individual is in poverty. One is certainly not going to learn about real wealth and what is money in public schools. Let's never forget that public education is one of the planks of Marx.

We witness the wealthy sending their children to private schools. Home-schooled children have dominated the national spelling and geography bees for years now. Public schools are designed to produce a slave class to work and not be able to reason. To have one gain the knowledge of what money is and to be unafraid to act upon that knowledge automatically frees that individual in one or more important areas of his/her life.

Individuals that go through public schools are much more susceptible to the forces of groupthink than their counterparts. The first force is seemingly innocuous. Children accept the first contacts as their friends. Most will continue to follow these friends throughout public school. They'll choose the same classes and even the same colleges and even the same majors. They'll decide whether to go into the military or not, together. (Military recruiters understand this quite well.) So the twin forces of peers and family are now in place for these individuals.

One reading this, so far, might correctly conclude that this provides the underlying reasons as to why most folks just can't and hate to make decisions, for themselves. "Do I have your approval to do this?" is really what they might be thinking. One might say to themselves that in America, there are the liberating forces of religious congregations. Yet much of the same psychology prevails there, also. It is a rare person that can explain his/her beliefs and offer proofs based on what he/she has researched out and believes to be factual. That's why it is not unusual to her "Bible dogmas," that cannot be found in the Bible.

Freedom still come down to the individual, as does prosperity. Successful individuals search out other successful individuals and calculatedly share and feed off the others. This is the basis for a mastermind alliance.

As you are aware, Rockefeller, etal used an evil version of this sort of alliance to create The Creature from Jekyll Island. It was only possible, because U.S. Senators and Representatives shirked their duty and honor. Today, it is easier to watch Deal or No Deal than to read a book.