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09/22/15 10:39 PM

#224176 RE: Funaboard #224174

Katx plays the Greater Fool Theory

Stead is always the Winner
And there are always big Losers ;-)

BREAKING DOWN 'Greater Fool Theory'
When acting in accordance with the greater fool theory, an investor buys questionable securities without any regard to their quality, but with the hope of quickly selling them off to another investor (the greater fool), who might also be hoping to flip them quickly. Unfortunately, speculative bubbles always burst eventually, leading to a rapid depreciation in share price due to the selloff.

Read more: Greater Fool Theory Definition | Investopedia
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09/23/15 8:57 AM

#224187 RE: Funaboard #224174

You're right .24 cents will never happen again. You are a glutton for punishment. How many times are you gonna be this guy beat you. It's not his fault anymore. It's yours