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09/21/15 10:40 PM

#238225 RE: conix #238220

conix, putting aside your irrational insistence that only memory will satisfy you, as why should that be? .. the question is re Hallary's achievements, not about some other
person's memory .. particularly when other people have listed more most memories would come up with quickly for you .. you were given on Sept 10, 11 days ago now ..

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

and see also

Here ....try this on for size and then put her record up against any single teatard running in the repub clown car. Oh and BTW....there are embedded links.

yesterday to FadeMeToWin .. it's seriously time for you to understand you have been fucked off that horse, at a minimum, 11 days ago ..
you obviously are more interested in testing memory than you are in seeing a list of some of Hillary's achievements .. again, gotta wonder .. why?

Oh, yeah, if you really cared you were told .. Just google it dopey!

just yesterday, too.

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09/22/15 5:42 AM

#238241 RE: conix #238220

Ironic, isn't it, that Carly Fiorina would challenge someone who has been a U.S. Senator and U.S. Sec'ty of State to name (her) accomplishments when she herself lost a race for the CA U.S. Senate seat and brought a major corporation to it's knees, causing thousands of people to lose their jobs, and was dismissed with a golden parachute?

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09/25/15 8:36 PM

#238435 RE: conix #238220

Is It Unfair to Ask About Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments?

Let's talk about your BFF, Carly, okay?

Carly Fiorina's Ex-Husband: "She's The Ultimate Clown."

Carly Fiorina’s ex-husband, Todd Bartlem, does not think very much of his ex-wife. Speaking with Bloomberg Politics, Bartlem made it clear that he was not a fan of her political career:

In the clown car that is the Republican Party, she’s the ultimate clown.

Fiorina tries to play up that she started from the bottom and worked her way up. The truth couldn’t be much farther from that. Her father was the dean of the Duke University School of Law and deputy attorney general under Richard Nixon. Fiorina graduated from Stanford, and then attended UCLA law school, but decided law wasn’t for her. She worked as a receptionist for a year before deciding to travel throughout Italy.

Fiorina was a complete disaster as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. She ended up cutting tens of thousands of jobs as a result of her mismanagement.

Arianna Packard, granddaughter of company co-founder David Packard, stated: “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded.” A former employee of Fiorina was even more blunt: “she is an a**hole of magnificent proportions…pathologically unable to give a s**t about anything but herself.”

For more on this, read the article from Mother Jones titled: “Quote of the Day: Carly’s Ex Doesn’t Think Much of Her Chances.”

Watch our discussion on Carly Fiorina’s shameful political positions:
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09/25/15 8:39 PM

#238436 RE: conix #238220

Maybe you would like to girlsplain this?

Breaking: Carly Fiorina and HP Scammed Taxpayers Out Of $4 Billion
The Daily Beast has just released a troubling report which seriously calls into question her judgement and motivations as a CEO and her moral integrity as a person. It also indicates just what kind of a opportunistic and heartless patrician she really is.

Under Fiorina, Hewlett-Packard heavily lobbied the U.S. government for a tax holiday – the Homeland Investment Act of 2004. Piteous moaning about the burden of having to pay corporate taxes and how it was restricting them from creating jobs was met with open arms by the George W. Bush Administration, which bent over backwards for the oligarchs and gave them a tax break on money earned overseas. Their tax rate was dropped from 35% to 5.25%, and HP saved $4.3 billion dollars.

Fiorina then decided that her personal finances were more important than the workers of her company or even the health of the company herself, and poured four billion dollars into stock buybacks, where a company artificially inflates its own stock by putting its own money into it, funneling the profits directly to Fiorina and the shareholders- which was specifically prohibited in the tax holiday bill in the first place.

Carly Fiorina’s $4 Billion Job Scam at Hewlett-Packard

As CEO, she lobbied for a tax holiday on corporate profits to create jobs. Instead, the money was used to buy back stock while HP fired 14,500 workers.

Take, for example, the cynically named Homeland Investment Act of 2004. The bill was passed as part of the equally cynically named American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 after intense lobbying with Hewlett-Packard in the forefront.

The purported aim of the legislation was to generate economic growth and therefore jobs at home by according corporations a one year “tax holiday” on billions in overseas profits they had stashed offshore.

The result was a $265 billion corporate giveaway.

The windfall was supposed to go toward research and development, and other job-creating endeavors.

Instead, almost all of it was put into stock buybacks as a way of funneling cash to stockholders, these prominently including CEOs.

Never mind that the bill prohibited such buybacks.

Hewlett-Packard saved more than $4.3 billion and put more than $4 billion into stock buybacks. It laid off 14,500 workers.

To make it all even uglier, Hewlett-Packard lobbied for the Homeland Investment Act as a member of something called the Homeland Investment Coalition—this at a time when the “war on terror” was intensifying and the word “Homeland” made everyone think of national security.
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10/05/15 9:39 PM

#239121 RE: conix #238220

So what do you think about your girl, Carly, now?

Carly Fiorina’s 2010 campaign was financial disaster that didn’t pay its employees

Carly Fiorina’s unsuccessful 2010 campaign to unseat Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) was a financial disaster on par with her calamitous run as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Fiorina 2010 left behind half a million dollars in unpaid bills and left staffers waiting for their final paychecks, in some cases for years.

According to the Washington Post‘s Robert Samuels, Fiorina failed to pay employees the money they’d earned — including the widow of a close advisor who dropped dead of a heart attack one month shy of Election Day.

“Upon his death, Fiorina praised [pollster Joe] Shumate as ‘the heart and soul’ of her team. She issued a news release praising him as a person who believed in ‘investing in those he worked with’ and offering her ‘sincerest condolences’ to his widow,” Samuels wrote.

“But records show there was something that Fiorina did not offer his widow: Shumate’s last paycheck, for at least $30,000,” he said.

Shumate’s unpaid fees were among the half a million dollars of unpaid debts Fiorina 2010 left behind, even as the former CEO reimbursed herself the $1.3 million she lent the campaign out of her personal fortune.

“Occasionally, I’d call and tell her she should pay them,” said former campaign manager Martin Wilson. “She just wouldn’t.”

Samuels said Fiorina finally closed out the bulk of the unpaid bills in January of 2015, just in time to announce her candidacy for the Republican nomination for president.

In spite of her extensive fluffing of her credentials during the two GOP primary debates so far, it is widely agreed that Fiorina’s tenure at the top of Hewlett-Packard was a veritable bloodbath which sent thousands of jobs overseas, saw company stocks tumble to half their value and set tongues wagging with ugly accusations of corporate spying and underhanded maneuvering against an executive board alarmed at the company’s decline.

The Washington Post conducted more than two dozen interview with former Fiorina 2010 staffers, all of whom agreed that the campaign hemorrhaged money and that the former corporate executive’s spending habits were wasteful and quixotic.

Samuels said that the bulk of people left in the lurch by the campaign’s refusal to pay its outstanding bills were “small businesses with a few dozen employees who did the grunt work of the campaign: building stages, sending out mailers, selling polling data. And at least one is still waiting.”

Samuels pointed out that many political campaigns end up in debt, but will often set up payment plans or hold fundraisers.

“Fiorina’s staff members said they asked her to do the same,” he wrote. “She declined.”