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09/20/15 7:40 PM

#238106 RE: FadeMeToWin #238104

FadeMeToWin -- already well and amply answered -- whether you get it or like it or admit it, or not


09/20/15 7:54 PM

#238107 RE: FadeMeToWin #238104

10 things she has accomplished that benefit Americans.

That's totally subjective and you know it. You think tax breaks for the rich are a benefit and I don't. You think regulations on business is an intrusion and I don't. I LIKE CLEAN WATER AND AIR but you apparently don't. I think reining in big banks is necessary and you don't. I think corporations should pay their fair share of taxes and you don't. I think it should be illegal for corporations and rich people to park their money off shore to avoid paying taxes and you don't. I could go on and on and we could list every single thing in both party platforms and probably wouldn't agree on what is a benefit or not for each of us. I gave you a list of Hillary's accomplishments and they're pretty impressive according to most people.

I'm still waiting for your list of the clowns running on the repub ticket that (according to your standards) have done anything to help this country or state.

And while you're at it, why don't you list any modern day repub president that did anything to benefit the American people?

Have at it.


09/20/15 8:02 PM

#238110 RE: FadeMeToWin #238104

Told you! You just can't stay away from libs .. .you pretend you hate US, YET! you can't keep from talk talk talking to us. We see what you do ... you keep your eye on p & M.. than when anyone comes there you suddenly appear with your special brand of stupid and hang on and on and on . .until everyone else has stopped posting ...lolol! and now you've taken to following us............. so perverted, you POS STALKER!


09/20/15 8:28 PM

#238117 RE: FadeMeToWin #238104

I always find it amazing how intolerant people are of those they say are intolerant.

And how they accuse others of hating. When they hate conservatives and fiscally responsible voters.