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09/18/15 4:30 PM

#238030 RE: conix #238028

conix -- even according to that: Carly Fiorina

(and speaking of a dubious source, as you have [ineptly and inaptly] done more than once -- . . .)


09/18/15 6:57 PM

#238041 RE: conix #238028

Who’s Really Lying About The Planned Parenthood Videos? Carly Fiorina Or The Factcheckers?

Carly is the one who's obviously lying as are you for posting that pile of crap.

Carly was so close to tears spewing her right wing lie about some made up fetus but doesn't shed a tear over the genocide taking place at the hands of her favorite country, Israel.

Has she told her "good friend, Bibi Netanyahu" to stop giving Israeli women ABORTIONS ON DEMAND when she's so horrified and sickened about it in this country?

Can you say hypocrisy ?????


09/18/15 7:04 PM

#238042 RE: conix #238028


09/20/15 4:23 PM

#238069 RE: conix #238028

Carly Fiorina? Really! ROTFL Good luck with that!


09/20/15 11:06 PM

#238140 RE: conix #238028

Uh oh! Who's lying now?

BOOM! This is bound to shut up any conservative still harping about the "evil Planned Parenthood videos." Straight from the horses mouth.

Fox News Tells Carly Fiorina To Her Face: ‘No Actual Footage Exists’ Of Fetus Videos (VIDEO)

Carly Fiorina is sticking to her guns that a horrible video of Planned Parenthood harvesting fetuses exists, even though Fox News tells her straight to her face during her interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday that “there is no actual footage.”

Chris Wallace:

“Do you acknowledge what every fact checker has found…that it was only described on the video…there is no actual footage that you just mentioned?”

Carly Fiorina:

“No, I don’t accept it at all. I’ve seen the footage and I find it amazing that all these supposed fact checkers claim it doesn’t exist. I will continue to dare anyone that wants to defund Planned Parenthood, to watch the videos.”

This is just getting ridiculous.

Carly Fiorina, in an attempt to win over voters in the latest Republican debate, used stage theatre and complete utter hyperbole by claiming there was an “actual video” showing a “fully formed fetus on the table with its heart beating, its legs kicking…while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” She then went on to say that this was a matter that reflected on “the character of this nation.”

The truth is this is no longer about Planned Parenthood’s character – it’s about hers.

Even though Fox News kindly tells her shes a liar, she doesn’t back down. For her to continue to claim a video still exists is absurd. She’s boxing herself into a corner now. If one does, she’s the only one on the planet that has possession of it.

From this point forward, anytime ANY conservative talks about Planned Parenthood and it’s evil operation of harvesting live fetuses on a table, simply refer them to Fox News own reporting on this. Then promptly ask them to call on Carly Fiorina to release the video. Otherwise, they should just shut up.


09/28/15 7:58 PM

#238568 RE: conix #238028

Who’s Really Lying About The Planned Parenthood Videos? Carly Fiorina Or The Factcheckers?

Obviously congenital liar and psychopathic crazy lady, Fiorina.

FOUND: The source of Carly Fiorina's fetus claim

By now we all know GOP Presidential wannabee Carly Fiorina has been telling everyone that she saw a video of an aborted fetus "with arms and legs kicking while Planned Parenthood people dissected the baby looking for its brain."

Her story is bullshit of the highest order -- HOWEVER -- there is a tiny element of truth in the story.

Turns out, what she saw was a video of an infant that had been born prematurely at 19 weeks and that did not survive.

Here is the mom who gave birth to the premature baby. By the mother's own description, the baby lived only a few minutes after birth. There was no dissection and no one was "harvesting the baby's brain," fetal tissue, or any organs.

It is not clear if the mom is in on the scam that has been spreading. Her name is Lexi Oliver Fretz and she is a pro lifer. She has a Facebook page where she states "they did not ask for permission to use the photo." Apparently she knows the photo is being used deceptively; she seems to be okay with this because as she puts it, "YES it is illegal (using the photo without her permission) NO I am not going to do anything about it."


11/30/15 12:56 PM

#241048 RE: conix #238028

How do you love some of your Carly Fiorina NOW? She's an accomplice to murder and by you reposting this article, SO ARE YOU!

Carly Fiorina Has Blood On Her Hands, And The Colorado Shooter’s Words Prove It

Carly Fiorina is an accomplice to murder and domestic terrorism. Yes, you read that right, and I will not soften or retract it. Not now, and not ever.

Recall that at the second GOP debate, Fiorina, whom I have called the biggest political liar since Richard Nixon (I will never retract that assertion, either) said that she had personally seen a video taken in a Planned Parenthood clinic which showed:

“I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ “

No such video exists. Neither Fiorina or her campaign could ever produce such a video. Again, because it doesn’t exist anywhere but in her fevered, self-promoting imagination.

The State vs. Robert Lewis Dear
But the man who killed three in Colorado Springs as part of a domestic terrorist attack on a Planned Parenthood facility told authorities when he was taken into custody:

“No more baby parts.”

Authorities say Dear was ranting against Planned Parenthood, and no doubt referring to the bogus videos released by the so-called Center for Medical Progress, a group which has ties to other domestic terrorist groups which have bombed and set fire to women’s health clinics across they country when they aren’t busy murdering doctors who perform a procedure protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Others With Crimson-Stained Hands
Fiorina is far from the only guilty party when it comes to the type of rhetoric which feeds the deeply simmering hate and paranoia which permeates much of the anti-choice movement in this country. All of the 2016 GOP candidates have said equally inflammatory things about a woman’s right to choose and about Planned Parenthood. Congress, under the control of the Republicans, even held hearings so they could attempt to spread their lies about the organization.

A “Crime Against Women”
U.S Attorney General Loretta Lynch called the Colorado attack a “crime against women,” but it is much more than that. It is a crime against civilized society as we have established it under our system of government. It is terrorism, plain and simple, and those who spewed out the vile lies which in part motivated Robert Dear are also culpable for his crimes.

In the days after the horrific attacks in Paris by ISIS, Republicans said the President should declare war on ISIS and put combat troops into the conflict as a response.

But where are they now that an act of domestic terrorism has been committed on American soil? They are disgustingly silent, as if Robert Dear never even existed.

And to each of them, I offer this indictment: There is blood on your hands, and all the soap and washing in the world can never remove it. Guilty. Each and every one of you is guilty.

ISIS is the biggest threat we face? No. The biggest threat we face lies within, and many of them dare to call themselves patriots. But they are nothing more than cowards and fear mongers. And they too will have their day of reckoning.