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09/17/15 6:37 PM

#60583 RE: copperslash #60582

OPINION (based purely on conjecture and speculation):

Kaplan likely appreciates the fact that if ZTE isn't compelled to pay Vringo at FRAND rates then
A. Chinese companies will nearly all follow suit and similarly ignore international law and challenge IP owners to enforce their rights in courts all over the world at very high risk
B. Similarly, Chinese companies will view entering into and honoring binding commitments like the NDA with V as just a power grab, a cost of doing biz with little consequence if they're not honored

I suspect he is going to want to set a meaningful precedent here...
A precedent that shows that violating binding agreements and failing to obey court orders will have heavy consequences..

If foreign companies are going to do business in USA, then they will be compelled to abide by US laws -- without exception and with profound consequences for failing to comply.

Just one layperson's opinion, but I think Kaplan is going to blow ZTE's mind:
Big damages for violating NDA and Maas or somebody else to define FRAND rates and establish the total amount ZTE will have to pay...