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09/17/15 3:40 PM

#9785 RE: geezeragain #9783

I feel its too early to know whether the Pulse Drinks will or will not be successful. The new flavor profiles were just finished a few months ago, but here's my opinion. I don't care for the Pomegranate Blackberry, because I don't happen to like the flavor of Pomegranate ... but it wasn't bad. I liked the other two flavors, but there is a slight vitamin aftertaste that would not make these drinks my first choice to quench my thirst, but knowing that they do contain ingredients that are beneficial to my health, when compared to the alternatives, I would probably drink them instead of a soda or high in sugar sport drink. The difficulty in selling these drinks in high volume ... will be education ... which can be costly and take much longer to penetrate the market.

As for the Lemonade, Limeade and the Coconut Water, I happen to love the flavor profiles for the Lemonades and Limeades, better than any Lemonade brand on the market. The fact that they are much lower in sugar than most of their competitors, makes them even more appealing. The Coconut Water, especially the Pineapple, for me it the best tasting brand that I tried. Their lower retail price and packaging is also extremely attractive.

I happen to think that Pulse can be extremely successful without the Pulse Drinks. Look at the company that manufactures Calypso Lemonade ... they have been very successful with market penetration and they are extremely high in sugar and do not hold a candle to Cabana as far as taste.

I'm willing to be very patient and give them a few more years to either succeed of fail ... we will see.

Hope this helps!