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09/15/15 11:36 PM

#237841 RE: conix #237839

conix:"Bernie Sanders' plans would cost $18 trillion" Whats "$18 trillion"
between friends.


09/16/15 12:18 AM

#237848 RE: conix #237839

Better if the analysis had made an attempt to include estimated long-term savings/productivity increases, that sort of stuff, seen in the success of the programs.

.. sorry, 'was posted to the wrong post the first time ..


09/16/15 3:18 AM

#237854 RE: conix #237839

'Take This Job And Shove It' writer owes IRS $466K

David Allan Coe, sporting Willie Nelson braids, performs at the Willie Nelson July 4th Picnic, on July 4, 1983 at Atlanta International Raceway in Hampton, Georgia.
(Photo: Rudolph Faircloth, AP)

Kevin Grasha
8:06 a.m. EDT September 15, 2015

Country music singer-songwriter David Allan Coe pleaded guilty Monday in federal court in Cincinnati to income tax evasion and owes the IRS more than $466,000, officials said.

Coe, 76, who wrote the song, "Take This Job And Shove It," has owed the Internal Revenue Service for outstanding taxes since at least 1993, court documents say.

Between 2008 and 2013, officials said, he either failed to file his individual income tax returns -- or when he did, he failed to pay the taxes due. Coe faces up to three years in prison. The nearly half a million dollars owed includes taxes, interest and penalties.

According to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office, instead of paying the taxes in full, Coe spent the money earned from live concert performances "on other debts and gambling."

The case is in U.S. District Court in Cincinnati. Court documents say Coe received multiple MoneyGram transfers of income in Cincinnati in 2011 and 2012. He also used a Cincinnati-based accounting firm to prepare his taxes, and in 2009 filed his taxes from Cincinnati.

His Memphis-based attorney, Michael Stengel, could not be reached for comment.

Coe, who performs at least 100 times a year, arranged to be paid primarily in cash, the news release said. Coe didn't allow $50 bills, the news release said, because "he believed they were bad luck and would not gamble with them."

He stopped using a personal bank account in 2009.

"Coe's arrangement to be paid primarily in cash was also in an effort to impede the ability of the IRS to collect on the taxes owed," the news release said.

The case was investigated by the U.S. Attorney's Office and special agents with the IRS's criminal investigations unit.

© 2015 [with comments] [also at (with comments)], [with comments]


let's see consistently-calculated numbers (as in calculated to look as bad as possible never mind any inconveniently contrary principles and practices of good analysis, if indeed/to the extent that was the case with that WSJ calculation [have used up my free views there for the time being]), including as costs a straight-up inclusion of revenues lost to tax cuts without any bullshit hopey-dopey supply-side postulation of 'yooj' new tax revenues from inevitably resulting 'yooj' annual GDP growth at or (well) above 4% every year forever after, for what the GOPers are talking up -- Trump's, with the great wall and millions upon millions of deportations, the building of a great new military so awesome nobody else anywhere will be brave enough to so much as swat a fly and a dive back into new greatly expanded military adventures and expenditures in the Middle East, and the initiation of a great trade war that will so predictably send the world into a deep and lasting depression that it would have to be factored in in terms both of significant added costs across all levels of government and of significantly further reduced federal government revenues, would be a beauty -- and anyone foolish enough to even attempt a run based on Ben Carson's mutterings to date would need several large boxes of crayons (mostly to eat), and a large jar of paste (to wash down the crayons)


09/16/15 1:26 PM

#237863 RE: conix #237839

An Open Letter to the Wall Street Journal on Its Bernie Sanders Hit Piece

By Gerald Friedman
Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
09/15/2015 Updated: 09/15/2015
Gerald Friedman's research was cited in a Wall Street Journal story [ ] about Bernie Sanders's proposals for government spending. Friedman responds to that story below.
Summary of 10-year projections
Because of the nearly $10 trillion in savings, it is possible to fund over $4.5 trillion in additional services while still reducing national health care spending by over $5 trillion. With these net savings, the additional $14.7 trillion in federal spending brings savings to the private sector (and state and local governments) of over $19.7 trillion.
Projected 10 year impact of HR 676 in billions:

10-year estimates of spending with the current system and HR 676 (in $ billions): [with comments]


More Than Half Of Jeb Bush's Proposed Tax Cuts Would Benefit The Top 1 Percent: Report

The poorest fifth of Americans would get just under 3 percent of the tax breaks.
09/15/2015 [with comments]


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