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07/04/03 5:24 PM

#8027 RE: SemiconEng #8019

SemiconEng, Now, where were you a couple of months ago, to remind the AMD fans of that, when they were running around trying to convince themselves and everyone else, of intels "imminent" server demise, due to the Strong Launch of Opterons? I see that you were nowhere to be found. Now that their "story" is the exact opposite, I guess it's easy for you to criticize people who remind them of what they said then, isn't it? Welcome to the ranks of the AMDroid.

You´re constantly mistaking this board for some other forums that might or might not exist somewhere. This board is an investment forum, not a fan club, and you´re conversing with intelligent INDIVIDUALS, not with some fanatic, ignorant mob. Several of your postings contain references to claims that were never made on this board, countless attacks on people for being "fanboys in denial" etc. That´s totally unnecessary, and not constructive in any way. Do you think that adds anything to the discussion? No one else here behaves this way. If someone at this board gives an opinion that you don´t agree with, you should counter his opinion with arguments, and not with baseless claims and unjustified generalizations that are highly disrespectful of the contributors of this board. Interestingly enough, the only "Amdroid fanboy posts" on this board come from a few Intel investors who apparently think they´re funny, like this one

That should tell you something about the quality of this board and its contributors.

Please show some more respect from now on.


[Want some more examples to illustrate what I mean?

"I don't think the Opteron Launch was the Rocket To The Moon, that AMD needed, or that many on this board were expecting"

"And I can't help noticing that stories from the Inquirer are taken at face value on this board, when they have good things to say about AMD or bad things to say about intel, and I sure don't need to be "insightful" to see that."

"Excuses are like A-Holes, everybody's got one, and they all stink. The "Fact" is, that AMDroids were claiming "Good Infrastructure, but no chips", for Opteron, and now they're blaming poor sales on "Sockets"."

"You're wasting your breath, facts don't matter when your on an Egyptian boat trip down De-Nial."

"I wish you Droid conspiracy theorists would make up your minds."

" hereby nominate Mr Petz as new Grand High Exhalted AMDroid FUD Master!"

"And I'm "sure" that the same AMD fans who crucified intel management for reissuing stock options to employees that were under water, and screwing the non-employee shareholders, will now all chime in with the same exact criticism's of AMD..... Right?"

"Oh I understand FUD spreading allright...... I understand perfectly."

"take off those Droid shades for a moment"

and so on, and so on....]

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07/04/03 6:06 PM

#8029 RE: SemiconEng #8019

Sure they do. And that's EXACTLY what the IntelEvangelists were saying a long time ago. Now, where were you a couple of months ago, to remind the AMD fans of that, when they were running around trying to convince themselves and everyone else, of intels "imminent" server demise, due to the Strong Launch of Opterons? I see that you were nowhere to be found. Now that their "story" is the exact opposite, I guess it's easy for you to criticize people who remind them of what they said then, isn't it? Welcome to the ranks of the AMDroid.

As a mindless AMDroid, I believe management unquestioningly when they tell me Opteron will not significantly add to the bottom line in 2003. I've never thought otherwise, nor do I remember any general sentiment on here or RB that Opteron would bring in mega-revenue before the end of the year.

I'm really glad you're here, though, reminding everyone of what you think they said and calling them names.