Hi Waite,
I am not sure that China is in this conversation, but to put it mildly, I believe we need a large multiple sale to get us out of the rut that we are in. A sale here and there is not going to put us back on the exchange.
It hurts to think of the good things that I could have done with the money I have invested in FASC. But I can only blame myself. Those that do not blame themselves are probably not living very happy lives. Once a person takes responsibility for his own decisions he can then move on and not repeat the same errors. I do feel a little old for this very expensive lesson.
We continue to eat, drink, have shelter and socialize. Hopefully Brian can pull the rabbit out of the hat when we least expect it. Ignore the pundit posts and Humor in whats left of our investment.
As Sam likes to say " Still holding!"
When you want a few belly laughs, if it does not hurt to much; watch some of Sam's videos.