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09/12/15 7:20 PM

#237720 RE: BullNBear52 #237719

The supreme leader from Iran says there will be no such thing as Israel in 25 years


09/12/15 9:04 PM

#237728 RE: BullNBear52 #237719

It's holier than thou hypocrites like this I have a problem with. If they would only shut up and quit lecturing the rest of us.....

‘Family Values Christian’ Republican Burns His 4-Week-Old Baby’s Hands — ‘He Was Fussy’

Joshua Koshinsky is your typical right-wing nut job. His social media presence is filled with posts about Jesus. His likes include Ben Carson, Chuck Norris and “White Lives Matter.” Everything about this man screams “family values Christian.” The very first clue comes from his profile picture on Facebook, which is the perfectly extremist blend of Jesus and America:

These are the people who will preach to you whenever possible about how saving fertilized eggs is the most important mission in life. Indeed, Koshinsky even offers a magical video showing life being formed, cells multiplying, and a beautiful little fetus turning into a child.

To these people, children are the most important thing in the universe. Well, not children per se, but the zygotes and tissue masses that eventually turn into children.

Once they are born, they no longer qualify for the protections of the pro-lifer. People like Josh who have more than a dozen liked pages about Jesus and the bible suddenly turn into people who have no idea what it means to actually be a parent. It’s all well and good to protest abortion and declare all life to be sacred, but when it comes time to deal with a new life, they fare worse than most.

Why that seems to be true is a bit of a mystery. After all, Jesus preached peace and love. The Bible is all about the innocence of children. It could be that these people are so high and mighty on the power of their moral superiority that even the worst of ideas seem like the right thing to do.

For Koshinsky, that idea came when his baby, whose ultrasounds and birthday pictures are featured on his page, was being a bit fussy. At just four weeks old, there are very few reasons for him to be crying. There are also hundreds, if not thousands, of websites that can help new parents when things get a bit stressful. The child is most likely hungry, wet, soiled, uncomfortable or cold. Of course there could be an actual medical reason for a crying child and there’s always colic to consider.

If you’re a parent you know that chances are you might run out of options, and that sometimes babies just cry. You swaddle them tight, hold them, rock them, sing to them and do whatever else you need to do to make them as happy as possible. More often than not, you lose sleep and soldier through it.

Unless you’re Joshua Koshinsky, good family values “Christian.” If you love Christ you give your will over to Him, and even though it may seem like a horrible idea, you dunk his sensitive little hands in mugs full of scalding hot water. Koshinsky was arrested in Greensburg, PA and charged with aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child after hospital workers called police. He and his wife at first lied about the blistered burns on their tiny baby’s hands, saying he must have gotten them when he grabbed for a hot bottle. His wife finally gave in and told the truth.

Koshinsky said he didn’t know the water was so hot, as if that makes his crime any less heinous. He was held in Westmoreland County Jail on $20K bond.

Child abuse and neglect certainly comes from all walks of life. Koshinsky and his ilk stand out not so much because they’ve committed these all too common crimes, but because of the hypocrisy of what they preach. Perhaps if the Christian Right would stop trying to tell the rest of us how to live, they wouldn’t garner so much attention when their human flaws are responsible for something like this.

Being a monster is bad enough. Being a monster who believes your faith makes you better than everyone else makes you a monster and an a**hole.