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09/12/15 3:16 PM

#309297 RE: dbernet #309296

All that needs to be said on the subject. End of story!

Well put.


09/12/15 3:36 PM

#309298 RE: dbernet #309296

The problem here is the definition of survival. Yes the company survived (barely, with almost no cash and shares maxed out) but long time positions did not. Shares purchased at .30 or higher did not survive because of management putting the company in a position where toxic debt and massive dilution were the only means of survival. With 3 billion shares o/s and only a partial carry for one, maybe two wells, 30 cent shares will never show a big profit. As it stands, shares will be lucky to ever see a penny, and reaching 10 cents would be a miracle.

So ERHC has survived so far by throwing its long time investors overboard. As things deteriorated, this was the only option. Those who have chosen to establish a new position at sub-penny prices are now hanging on and defending management with hopes of making a profit from these lower levels. Whether they will depends on if/when the need for significant additional fund raising occurs and from what levels.

The constant disagreements here, imo, stem from the wide gap between those who look at the past, what might have been, and what has been destroyed, vs. those with sub-penny positions hoping for a lottery ticket. One side believes the price won't go much lower and will experience a run up into drilling; the other painfully realizes the dreams of $1, $3, $14 share price died a toxic death.


09/12/15 5:53 PM

#309302 RE: dbernet #309296

Survive ?? Really !!!! With $50 million in cash the company should have done a heck of a lot more than just survive ! And yet at this late date and a market cap shrunk from $80 million to $3.48 million Ntephe is still behaving like royalty and flying around the world on shareholders money to do photo ops at the behest of the godfather !

No worries though Bubba , Peter is on his way to join you in that 8 by 12 !


09/12/15 10:11 PM

#309303 RE: dbernet #309296

6 years without drilling a single well while blowing through about 40 million in cash isn't surviving. It's insanity. Ntephe was dealt a royal flush and managed to somehow lose the hand anyway.